Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I came out of my exam room this afternoon, starving. Good thing my mommy loves me and she packed me a date scone this morning :)

I was still eating it when I got into the car, cause I eat slow, and it's cool like that.
...and I was still eating it when we were turning off Karel into South ><

Then we brake suddenly.

I was so cut.

But then mum turns around and sees my face.
"Eh, it's okay."

She sticks her hand into her handbag, and...

Is she awesome or what? :)


Albert said...

She's awesome. :D
"...I eat slow, and it's cool like that."
You go, Kim!

BaSS_LeViTE said...

Wow, you happen to have your camera/phone ready to snap the shots as it all happen? Nice.

Also, there's less bacteria on the floor than on your hands... so its still okay to eat it (5 second rule)... it's only psychologically unpalatable

kim said...

Albert: after i posted it, i sorta realised that we'd gone from school to south street, and looking at the picture, i still had half a scone left ><

Crosby: I don't know which is more devastating... that my hands are so dirty, or that i could have finished off the original scone but didn't ><

MeL said...

surprise surprise..i can so see it lah. you frown and make that 'i-want-to-cry face' and 2 seconds later you're like :D xD and ^^ altogether.

and your mom's awesome~