Monday, January 12, 2009

this is all you're getting until the 5th of February

Okay, I know I've been slack with the blogging...

and it's about to get even slacker.

This hungry person will be leaving Perth to go to the Land of the Kampua on a big flying machine in about 7 hours, and won't be back until the 5th of February.

I have made the necessary preparations:

Lists of food I shall eat when I go home.

Tiffany advised me to save on the calories in the weeks leading up to the trip, but I have not heeded her advice. I am leaving at 48kg and hopefully I won't be over 50 when I get back. Hopefully.

Pack like, four shirts for the 3.5 week trip. Come back with 50.

Laptop + hard drive with lots of movies/dramas = things to keep me up at night.
(I am unsure as to the Internet capabilities where I will be staying in the Land of the Kampua. I suspect Dr. Dialup or Sir NoInternet).

My "handbag" weighs 4kg.

Okay. Last few hours of sleep before bracing the humidity, the flies, the dengghi...

Big smiles for you till I come back :)

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