Monday, April 19, 2010

10 things to 10 people

1. have faith, and you'll find yourself right where you want to be.

2. because you give all you can, and all you are, to all the people in your life; i hope you make heaps of money.

3. you never cease to surprise me. usually in a good way. i think i like you.

4. i know i like you. does the reverse hold true?

5. nobody said it was easy, but that's what makes it so damn worthwhile.

6. laugh, and the world laughs with you. can't help it, you're infectious.

7. take care of yourself; it's okay to let go of a few things, even if only for a minute.

8. i think you're quite awesome. i dunno. still deciding. but it's heading that way.

9. sometimes it's the ones you least suspect that surprise you the most.

10. you're a better person than you give yourself credit for, i promise.

i got this idea off steven :)


josh said...

kim you are too awesome

Steven said...

kimchi (y)

wincham said...

i heart yu kimchi, :) i dont know who these are all directed to:( karmen wont tell me
ps steven got this idea off winsome :)