Saturday, January 05, 2008

today was the day of the pissy customers

first up, i made a mistake. i won't deny it.
i screwed up one bit.
details are a bit much to spit out, but... yeah.

anyway, i went out back to look for something for my pissed off customer, praying damn hard we had it cause he was SO ANGRY.

we didn't have what he wanted.

...and i knew i was so screwed.

i ran into jason and yolanda (workmates) on the way out, and we had the saddest conversation.

J: (to me) did you find your thing?
K: no. i didn't... i'm so screwed aye.
J: yeah. he's really angry.
K: i don't wanna go back out there. i really don't.
Y: you wanna swap? this woman... i've been with her for an hour, and she can't even speak english properly.
K: really? (super hopeful) swap?
J: nah man. her dude is really angry. even i wouldn't swap with her.
Y: seriously, i've been with her for so long.. she asked for a manager, so Jemma pretended to be my manager and told her we can't do that. but she's still... ugh.
J: yeah, but you really don't want to take that guy.
K: yeah, i can't do that to you. he's... ohcrap. i'm so dead.
J: ok, ok guys. *does the hand pile up thing* all for one?
ALL: and one for all.
J: let's do this.

then we walked out together, and faced hell.

i saw Yolanda's customer and ok, her english sucked, and her face was set in a permanent grimace. not fun. and she started scolding Yo even before she'd gotten within speaking distance.

but my guy definitely took the cake.
there was a point where everyone nearby just stopped and stared at us.

by the end of it i felt totally defeated. i stood there all while he was complaining to my manager (half of it was about me), just so i could apologize to him properly. and he didn't freaking give a shit.

forget anger.
forget embarrassment.

i just wanted to cry.


sturickogundulalapid said...


sounds like a really sad man bitterly disappointed with his shitty life, his kids hate him and his wife is sleeping around with his mortal enemy.

lucky guy though, that kim's cousin wasn't there when it happened.

kim said...


thanks rick. i like the "mortal enemy" part.

Anonymous said...

Eventually you'll have to face people like that so yeah don't worry about it.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i can identify. i think anyone who's worked can (especially if they work in the food industry - nothing can make people more pissed and unreasonable than (the state of) their food!). not saying that whatever happened reflects what you'd do, how you'd react or anything, but incidents like these kind of help make us realise how easily it is for us, as the customers, to lose our shit/reasoning/common sense. in hindsight, of course. :) (as if we'd admit we'd ever become such horrid people in that moment!)

i remember the first few times that i started working, it was so horrible that going to work was something i'd come to dread. it was during those times at work that made me really appreciate a genuine smile or 'thank you' from the customers - they could make your day or brighten what was already a shitty day.

i mean, some things are so unbelievably ridiculous, you've just got to laugh. for instance, there are UK customers who ring their respective travel agencies after their holidays and complain. examples include:

"no one told us there would be fish in the sea. the children were frightened."

(from a person holidaying in spain) "there were too many spanish people. the receptionist spoke spanish. the food is spanish. too many foreigners."

and my favourite, a classic:

"my fiance and i booked a twin-bedded room and we were placed in a double-bedded room. we now hold you responsible for the fact that i find myself pregnant. this would not have happened if you had put us in the room we booked."

kim said...

s: that last one... is RIDICULOUS.

and thanks everyone, for making me feel better about this.