Tuesday, July 29, 2008

what we REALLY do in Chemistry

It was Educational Video Day in Chemistry today.

And yes, it IS as riveting as you are imagining it to be. All that and more!

So Sarah decided to do a little bit of doodling.

It came out just a little bit on the emo side, though.

So I decided to do a bit of doodling myself. Of the happier sort.

This made Sarah feel much lighter, so she made more doodles!!

We really got into the whole stubby people thing (mine less stubby than hers), and while she made her million and one mini-drawings, I made one more.

But whoa, Sarah was really feeling the love

So now you know what we really do in class.
It may look like we're diligently making notes, but you know better.

Yeah. That's right.
We're making Picassos.


Chengaloony said...

you draw better on paper than you do on msn xD

kim said...

oh go away, loonosaur!
you love my msn drawings. admit it XD