Monday, December 08, 2008


today was your birthday.

and there are a lot of things i could say, but tonight i can only say this:

we joke about the dinosaur thing,
our new favourite phrase is "you're fossilizing!",
and there are absolutely no subtle hints at all in getting you that cookbook.
(the hints are very un-subtle)


not for anything in the whole world would we trade you,
or push you away,
or leave you.

because when we were only half a metre long and smelled kinda funky, you fed us and cleaned us and did your best to make sure we were happy.
because when we were really sick, or ripped ourselves open falling down on concrete, you were there to wrap us up and make us forget anything was wrong.
because since our last five hour plane ride, you've worked harder than i think i ever could to give us everything we needed, and so much more.

because even if this was the only 'because',
at the end of the day, we know how much you love us,
and put simply,
we love you too.

so happy birthday, mum.
you are fossilizing very well :)

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