Friday, December 05, 2008

where's my train?

i was waiting for the train in perth today, and there was a little boy of about four with his grandfather next to me.

i have never seen anybody more excited about waiting for a train before in my entire life.

the kid was jumping up and down, exclaiming things in his little voice...

why do we have to stand behind the yellow line? can i stand ON the yellow line? is that our train? how much longer do we have to wait? grandpa! i can hear the train! i can hear the- LOOK i told you the train was coming! i told youuuu!!

i couldn't help but smile, even though i had a headache that threatened to explode my skull.

on the train, the boy's grandma turned up. the three of them sat across from me, with the little boy chattering throughout the ride.

i can see it! that's the burswood. that's the burswood, isn't it gran. that's the burswood. we're getting off. oh wow, that hotel (apartment buildings) is bigger than that hotel. and that one's bigger than that one. look gran! it's the burswood!!

the voice of the train thus spake: THIS, is burswood.
the train did not stop.

the grandparents of the boys were wide-eyed. they were clearly not from perth, seeing as they were staying at burswood hotel, and so they had no idea what to do.

the little boy was outraged.
why didn't we stop? did we get on the wrong train? can't we just tell the driver to stop us here?
it was very cute.

the elderlies didn't know what to do, so i told them to get off at victoria park and take the next train back up. they thanked me, and walked off with the little boy, who was so indignant that even at the last second, he turned around and asked me loudly

did you get on the wrong train toooooo???

he totally made my day :)

i wish i could be like that again - where a simple train ride could make me so excited i could harldy breathe for the anticipation.
i wish i didn't have to think about every single thing i did, that i could just go with the flow and know that nothing will go wrong.
i wish more things would light up my eyes the way the train lit up his.
i wish i could just give it all to God, and truly let it rest with Him.

this started out as a happy post.

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