Saturday, June 17, 2006


*sniff* my friends are growing up... *tears*

these be the friends back in malaysia, who are in their 16th year of life, and are males who... are growing up.

they use the word "beautiful" now.

when did this happen? actually, i know when it happened. but... it's still really weird hearing certain people expand their vocabulary from "what a cow" to "beautiful". even better, use it to describe another friend of ours.

said one of them "don't worry, when the time comes for us to grow, we will grow."

he went on to say that getting a girlfriend is proof of growing up...

...before conceding that he was not properly grown up yet.

went out with erica today. had iced coffee. i will never have it again. it makes me giggle at nothing. not good when you're working. david got annoyed cause i couldn't stop.

my boss educated me today... about the economics of keeping pigs. he told me that, ok, it started with him telling me how the cleaners could make more money - by putting all the leftover food from the food court into a large container and selling it as pig-feed to pig farmers.

he then moved on to telling me how, sometimes, pig farmers have to borrow a boar from another farmer [seeing as they only have sows]... and any.. err... subsequent offspring would need to be shared after a lengthy negotiation. i nearly burst out laughing when he said that. cause he looked really serious. then he said, in china, every part of the pig is used. including the faeces [notice i didn't say shit?].

and when i say nothing is wasted, i mean NOTHING is wasted. because they've figured out a way to use the gas from the faeces. i really couldn't contain my laughter [stupid iced coffee]. bring a whole new meaning to organic gas. WORSE, they use it for cooking.


david: i have really stubby fingers.
kim: me too. no, you're not seeing them *hides hands*
david: i mean, mine are really short, comparatively. let's see yours.
kim: no. you can't.
david: c'mon. it can't be... *sees my hands* ... oh WHAT? those are.. those are the stubbiest fingers i have ever seen.


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