Sunday, June 04, 2006

who bully?

people like teasing audrey. the guys, especially. once, auntie kim happened to witness this happening. and she went "WHO BULLY MY AUDREY, AH?".

i had my own version happen today.

we lot bought nasi lemak for lunch after church. i peered inside my container and asked...

kim: is there any chicken in here?
sean: does it look like there's chicken in there?
andrew: HOI! don't make fun of her.


for some reason, i found that very amusing.


Fin said...


...audrey is aunty Kim's daughter? does she play the piano? o.O

kim said...

audrey is NOT auntie kim's daughter, which is what makes it so funny.

and yes, she does play the piano. plays lots of jaychou songs. amazing thing is, she plays by listening. doesn't read scores.

you remember her right? the little one that sings.

Chengaloony said...

auntie kim owns everyone in church. it's always 'who bully my [insert name here of person getting bullied here]?'.

kim said...

ahahahahahahaha... true, true. she does ey.

can you imagine, next time...
"who bully my chengaloony ah?"