Sunday, July 16, 2006


i'm eating peanutbutter out of the 1kg jar that i bought yesterday and it is ohsogood.. i know, it's sad, and i know, lots of people HATE peanutbutter.. it's one of those things you either thank God or curse the devil for.

oh damn.. it's so good.

XD my sister just got hooked onto eating the peanutbutter. what do they put in that stuff? peanuts? butter? people used to say if you mix the two you get peanutbutter? is that true? is it? i know it's so stupid, but i've always wondered. it's one of those things on the same level as is winnie the pooh male or female. now THAT'S a hard one.

and say you figure out what winnie the pooh is... what about piglet?? it's PINK!! kanga's a girl, she's got a baby.. but what about the rest?!?!?!?!?! we thought about this long and hard during group discussions at camp.. long and hard.. who brought it up?? must've been yu jhyn.. he's the random one XD.

mm.. camp was fun. sadly, didn't really do much walking of the talk....

rargh.. i'll finish this.. some other time..


Bert said...

Winnie the Pooh's a guy!! :P Why would he only wear a shirt wouldn't they give him a skirt or something if he was a girl? PLus his voice is so low. Got to be a guy.

Chengaloony said...

ahem... a guy named winnie? hellooo...

Anonymous said...

..just cause Winnie has a low voice doesn't mean willy has a high voice..and we aint sure if 'it' is a guy or girl[soz willy].. and ill say Winnie is a hermaphrodite btw i like peanut butter

kim said...

girls don't HAVE to wear skirts.. and if pooh was a guy, wouldn't he have to wear shorts? and winnie IS a girl's name.. but everybody calls him 'pooh' anyway.. rargh.. my brain can't take this!!

Chengaloony said...

wat's a pooh?

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