Thursday, November 08, 2007

this is not a targeted post, not even a generalisation. it's a moment of brain poo.

you can forgive someone their flaws by saying that they're really good people, deep inside.
some deeper than others -_-

but pretty much everybody is a really good person, deep inside. so being good inside doesn't merit them over anyone else in any way.

it's not a permit to be a bad person outside, as long as they're good inside.

it's not even a ticket to forgiveness every time they do something wrong.

being good on the inside doesn't really mean anything in the end, if they're gonna act like bad people along the way.

isn't that such a childish way of looking at it?

well, it's about to get even more childish.

because most of the time, i want to think people are good.
it's not so much benefit of the doubt as it is self-delusion.

i have my moments of lucidity.

but for the most part, i believe that everyone is a lovely person, really, deep inside (note punctuation, don't read it wrongly); that no one would really hurt another on purpose; that people sometimes just make decisions that end up to be... not so great.

they're all good people, deep inside.

it gives me a bit of hope, a bit of optimism.
and really, sometimes,

it's enough.


sturickogundulalapid said...

hmm... interesting.

i actually think that our natural human inclination is to be "bad". realising this...

#1 don't be so harsh on ourselves when we fail to be "good". and we will fail. all the time.

#2 don't be so harsh on other people when they fail to be "good". and they will fail. all the time.

#3 realise that you need to rely on a higher power to be "good". with your own strength, you simply can't do it.

#4 try to see the ounce of good in people (it is there somewhere), and concentrate on that.

that being said, i have encountered people who, by their actions, i have no respect for at all. any good in them is simply pushed away by actions that have wronged you or others in an "unforgivable" way.

do these people deserve forgiveness? yes.

your part is to extend to them a spirit of forgiveness, an open invitation to sit at your table in your home and have a meal in fellowship. their part is to wash the mud off their feet before they step into your house.

if they refuse to wash the mud off their feet, it is their problem.

you have already done your part.

Aarrrr said...

Humans are said to be created by the image and likeness of God. which means humans should be naturally good while it is Lucifer who is the one making humans evil. =D


kim said...

rick: thanks. i know what you mean about those people who have lost your respect because of their actions. i know people like that too, and you feel like their bad > good.
but there's still good there somewhere, and yeah, it's good to focus on that.
but like you said, do our own part, and the rest of it depends on how they want to conduct themselves.

aaron: that brings up the whole nature vs. nurture argument XD.
but whether or not humans are born naturally good, we always have a choice. we can choose to be good people, or we can choose to be bad people. you can't always scream "it's the devil!! the devil MADE ME DO IT" every time something goes wrong.
we always have a choice.

Chengaloony said...

it's like how Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit, and then they blame someone else for their mistake.