Tuesday, November 06, 2007

am suddenly feeling very tired and sleepy...
and strangely paranoid.
it's weird.

had a rather amusing conversation with sharon while we were walking today...
shar: you know, my mum said "i don't understand how kim can work and still do well at school."
me: hmmgh?
shar: yeah, she said she doesn't know how you can have a job and still study.
me: don't... really... study.
shar: then i told her that you seem sleepy in school sometimes, and she said "yeah, maybe... i saw her on friday and she looks very weak, and tired, and skinny. very weak ah!"

that made me laugh for a while.

we were going through our poetry units in English today and i was reminded of a few poems that i actually really like.
that doesn't mean i understand them very well. in fact, my interpretation usually does the poet no justice. like how one poet made a brilliant statement on marriage using a lion eating it's keeper as an extended metaphor (The Lion's Bride, Gwen Harwood).
i took it literally.

(here comes the potentially boring part)
...proof that poetry isn't all lovey dovey sonnets written in a way that you're sometimes not sure if it's even in english...

Doctor to Patient Bruce Dawe

Please sit down. I'm afraid I have some
rather bad news for you: you are now seventeen
and you have contracted an occupational disease called
unemployment. Like others similarly afflicted
you will experience feelings of
shock, disbelief, injustice, guilt, apathy, and aggression.
(although not necessarily in that order)
and you'll no doubt be urged to try the various
recommended anodynes: editorials in newspapers,
voluntary unpaid work for local charities, booze,
other compulsive mind-destroyers, prayer, comforting
talks with increasingly less-interested friends.
It is small comfort to know that the disease
is universal and can accommodate
the middle-aged and thirtyish and strikes down
those in camps in Kompong Sam and Warsaw.
However you will discover, as time passes,
that your presence in itself will make others
obviously uncomfortable. Try not to let
your shadow, at this stage,
fall across your neighbour's plate; eat
with the right hand only; do not touch
others in public (this can be easily
misconstrued); keep always
down-wind, if possible. Please remember
you have now become our common vulnerability
personified. Oh yes. and, by the way,
you will be relieved to know the disease
is only in a minority of cases terminal.

Most, that is, survive. Next, please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my rofl copter just flew into my lolcano. lolgasm