Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The cow list

[edit] another post by moey. he's blogging for a while. seems to enjoy it. you can tell it's him by the odd punctuation and bad spelling.

moey is a really cool and popular guy at skool. he sets a lot of trends, mainly they are all stupid ones which could be started by any 5 year old. he is just incredibly simple minded and anything could amuse this little boy. last year he started to give ppl 5 fives and BOOM! a new trend was created just like that and it is still going strong today. but now the newer trend which took time to develop is calling people cows.

this story goes back to the year 2006 when a lot of people were into maple story sadly even i played a bit. moey was on maple with sennie and he decided to go and annoy her, which he is extremely good at doing. he put his character on cloak and started jumping around and annoying sennie, but little did he know that magic attacks could hit him while he was in cloak. so sennie provoked the monsters and they all attacked him and obviously he died and he got sooo angry he called sennie a cow because in maple swear words cannot be typed.

from that day on moey has bin calling everyone a cow and this is his cow list which he helped me to produce in no particular order:
  • barbara
  • kimmy
  • sennie
  • jia yan
  • karen
  • jennifer
  • karina
  • eunice
  • eunice
  • eunice
  • yan
  • terri
  • sharon
  • jess
  • nicole
  • and basically everyone in the whole world
but little does he know each one of those people mentioned above think he is a cow himself. is it really that bad being called a cow? he has created anarchy among the herd of cows.

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