Saturday, August 04, 2007

i am angry

"Parents will be allowed to create children specifically to help cure older brothers and sisters of common conditions under proposals unveiled today by MPs and peers.

For the first time, couples could use so-called "saviour siblings" to treat other family members suffering the kind of serious but non-fatal ailments that affect millions..."

i find this so wrong and it upsets me to no end.

because you can try to justify "creating" this "saviour sibling" to save the life of another child, but how are you going to tell the kid that the only reason you had him/her was because his/her brother/sister needed some blood?
do you say "we weren't really gonna have you, but you know, Johnny here was dying so we thought, why not?"

children are living, breathing people.
not commodities.
you do NOT make them like you're buying Panadol off the shelf at Woolworths.

true, the laws do not allow any procedure that compromises the life of the created child. but the fact remains that you had the child solely for the purpose of USING him or her. you don't want the baby. you want what the baby can give you, what you can get from the baby; it's commercialism of a different sort.

but there are always the grey areas. there are cases where seriously ill children cannot find a matching donor, and their parents see this as the only way to cure the child. i admit, this is where i start to have misgivings about my opinion on the matter. i know that if i were a parent, i'd probably consider this as well. but it's so hard when one child is dying, and the only way to save him is to compromise the quality of life of the other. you just.. can't make a decision like that.

butthere's never going to be a win-win situation. how could it ever be fair to the baby whose life is second rate to his brother's. how is it fair to the child whose only reason for existing lies in his blood type?

and you might think i'm being incredibly narrow minded about this, but i've heard many sides of the argument, alright? i am a 16 year old high school kid, so i can't possibly speak for everyone. but from where i stand, the situation is pretty ridiculous.

nobody can play God but God.

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