Wednesday, August 22, 2007


four gorgeous girls crowd in front of the bathroom mirror getting ready for the event, while i sit in the kitchen eating a fantastic bowl of noodles and having a very absorbing conversation (about scoring 830 points in tennis, go figure) with a 7 year old boy.

i think jess came out to see just who i was talking to at one point, realized her little brother and i were deep in conversation, and promptly cracked up.

anyway, we arrived there a little late, and when joking about our punctuality, said
"yeah, we're fashionably late. we'll arrive there, the five of us will pose... and then kim falls down."

overall, i think the whole night rates about 4/10. it wasn't totally crap at all. it DEFINITELY had it's more charming moments.
ok, to be honest, i take points off for music. the DJ is fantastic, no doubt about it, but his choice of music just isn't the kind of stuff i like. i also take points off for the erratic blinking flood lights that would give a blind elephant seizures. and don't get me started on the crowd, the smell, the SWEAT.

everyone looked really good. really really good. even the guys, surprisingly. me and Nigara were whining about how all they have to do is put on a t-shirt, jeans, and they can look decent. we were rather impressed at their presentability last night. not so much the wildness.

she said today:
"how come.. how come they looked so good last night, then they look so shit at school. like THAT."

she is so cute XD.

caught a ride back with william after the thing. due to some failure in communication, i ended up being a spare passenger and four of us had to squash in the back. the three guys take up a lot of space and i ended up on the floor ><
worst part was, there was random breath testing going on, and william's mum panicked. they saw the police, and she snapped "william, get off the car NOW. and WALK." so will jumped out of the car and pretended to be a pedestrian as mum laughed nervously while blowing into the thing.

they've very obviously done this before.

all in all, it was a pretty good night. crap mostly, but the good parts outweigh that by far.

we all agreed, however, that we're not going again next year.

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