Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the holiday bear

been feeling superly tired lately.
gave blood today too, and there were complications with my iron levels and whatnot so they actually had to take a blood test and check with some medical officer before they took my blood.
apparently my iron levels have dropped more than 20 grams in the last three months. i feel like i've lost something.

the needle they used to suck my blood for the donation was three times bigger than the one for the blood test, but the blood test was more freaking painful.

pain is not my friend.

on the upside, i am potentially maybe hopefully saving 2.5 lives XD.
the food they gave me was good, the free toy i got was cute, and i made a new friend.

AND... the nurse saw how much i loved their cute little round band aids, and gave me a handful to take home.

silver linings rock my severely mismatched socks!

the health is really becoming something of an issue, i'm feeling.
the cousin and i made a promise to ourselves and to each other that we would start taking walks in the afternoons to hopefully improve the values of our sad little blood pressures.
unfortunately, it was an empty promise.
sadly, instead of going for a walk the other day like we said we would, we finished a bag of burger rings in front of YouTube.

no wonder it's getting harder for me to climb the stairs.

1 comment:

jsncruz said...

You aren't gaining are you, dear?