Tuesday, October 02, 2007

there is a sandwich in glad wrap sitting on the monitor

i decided to take some notes today for my photography task which has been temporarily put on hold (for two months) due to lack of inspiration.
read: i was lazy, so didn't do work. now in danger of not completing the course.

imagine my shock and horror when i realized that i'm actually using physics and g&t to understand all the stuff wikipedia is desperately trying to channel into my brain.
i thought photography was my relaxing subject.
i have obviously been grossly misled somewhere in between.

it is, however, nice to know that i remember enough physics and maths to work out what all that technical stuff means. *puffs in pride*cue cheesy smile*iamsuchanerd*

my life currently consists of the pockets of time where i am not otherwise engaged in a televised (and subtitled) representation of life.

note: representation.

because how often do you see a love octagon?
only in kdramas.

kdramas aside, i also had a long, long chat with a friend on the phone today, and out of the blue, she said:
kim, you're gonna grow up and have lots of problems.

i felt so reassured knowing that i have friends honest enough to tell me that i'm going to be dysfunctional forever. ahh... life is good...

...even for sam, who totally got OWNED by mum today.
and mum doesn't even know what owned means.

sam was lying on mum's bed today when mum walks in and sees her. mum turns to me, and proves once again that she is the funniest one in the family.
"look. there's a freaky thing on my bed."

you should've seen us trying to stop laughing.

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