Thursday, December 20, 2007

i feel so snobby right now ><

i met a guy from John Wollaston Anglican School a few weeks ago. don't worry, even he says nobody knows what that is. but anyway, he was telling me about how at his school, everyone works hard at the start of the year but gradually slacks off towards the end.

this is a good thing because it means that cut-off points for grades are lowered (i.e. if an A for physics is normally 80, it gets scaled down to 75 or something).

when he told me this, i laughed.

because where i go to school, the cut-off point for grades actually INCREASE as the year progresses.
normal people relax after they realise that they're sitting on comfortable Bs for everything and that they won't fail the year.

where i go to school, we are so bloody kiasu, if we get a B in semester one, we must top the subject in semester two.

at my school, you will find a large number of students upset because they only got 5 out of 6 As. (mind you, we have a lot of 5 A students who JUST missed out on the straight As. that's a lot of upset people).

and freakishly, you will also be able to find more than one year 12 student averaging >95% for CALCULUS in the middle of the year.

i realise this makes us snobby in a way.
i'm sure there are other schools like this as well (a couple spring to mind immediately).
and i realise i'm going to sound snobby when i say this.
but where i go to school, everyone does so freaking well, scores considered good in the everyday community are only considered average.
and the school is so proud of this, it gets a bit sickening.

there's seriously something wrong with us.
we need to take chill pills... overdose in some cases.

i feel so LAZY when i'm at school because there are people who are just so hardworking you feel like a bum even though you finish most of your homework and only OCCASIONALLY nap in class.

our school reports are out, and most people who've talked about it seem to come to the "it was oklah" consensus.
it was ok in the real world translates into mostly As, and probably at least one 90+ average.

the guy i was talking to was saying how he's very happy to be getting straight Bs this year, and he was happy to tell me all about it (btw, he does really difficult subjects like History and stuff).

i do alright at school.
i'm obviously not the best, but i'm not the worst either.

still, i always try to avoid telling people i don't really know how i do at school, because for some reason...

it's just embarrassing.

1 comment:

jsncruz said...

Those are good grades you freak. =P