Friday, April 06, 2007

one day and counting

it's good friday.

morning service at church was different from usual today. but only got home at 1 something because of worship prac. so hungry - my breakfast was a tiny muffin and smiths chips.

the 16th birthday was yesterday, and i went to the city with a bunch of friends from school. we were this bigass group of asian people that... it was just really scary. i was walking in front, and at one point i turned around and i had to take a picture because I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A HUGE GROUP OF ASIAN PEOPLE IN MY LIFE!!

i am, of course, exaggerating. but how often do you go out with more than 20 people? try cramming yourselves onto an already full CAT bus.

okay, presents.

it walks.. it grunts.. it...... flies a balloon? from emily, nicole, alfred, joseph, zhenya, karina, nigara.... i think. it's so cute too.. thanks guys!

i really like this. william, MOEY, albie and ritz got this one for me. the hana kimi art book translated into english. niceeee.

talk about random stuff your friends can buy for you. this is definitely up there. it's cute tho, in it's... round penguin-y way. awww... i just looked at it again. it IS cute. from hillary, evelyn and yumi.

jack gave me a nice card and cold, hard cash [ten bucks XD]. sharon gave me a necklace [it's not that i didn't wanna take a pic, shar, but it was too reflective]. tze chiang wrote me the funniest card ever and wendy got me a pair of shorts and a cap. thanks guys!!

clockwise: socks from sarah, wallet from jess and erica, baby shirt from sarah, bag from sennie and ee wah. thank you very much. dunno what i'm gonna do with a size 00 shirt, but thanks.

we realized that there is no way you can go to utopia on james street without seeing someone you know.

all these pics were taken with my new baby - the camera my mum and sister bought me. thank YOU.

i slept at nic's house last night, and we watched a random thai horror flick where everybody dies in the end which totally defeats the purpose of what the characters set out to do in the first place. after that we had to go to the toilet together. and i forgot to bring the chocolate i put in her fridge home TT. oh well... i'll live i guess.

one day and counting.


Anonymous said...

kimberley kimberley

da bdayy gurl!!!!

gawd.. u know
u either haf no fwens to comment on ure blog.. or im the only loser who actualy has time to comment. xD

i hope its not the one dat makes me look bad =P LOL

jokes hun

love ya lotzz


Chengaloony said...

kim has no frens. it is true.