Wednesday, April 04, 2007

once and only once

one and a half hours till i turn 16.

the good ol' sweet sixteen.

it's funny. i don't feel like i'm turning a year older at all. when i was thirteen, i thought being fifteen was way old, and that fifteen year olds were really deep. but just last week, i realized i was fifteen, almost sixteen, and that being fifteen was really no different from being thirteen.

i had a very interesting conversation last with a girl i have never met in my life.

girl: hi, i'm fifteen today.
me: oh, ok. happy birthday then.
girl: yeah. how old are you?
me: i'm still fifteen.
oh, when do you turn sixteen?

next week.

OOOOH... then you'll be legal to have sex!!

err.. yeah.. i guess so.

ooh, just in time for the holidays too. *waggles eyebrows* i know what you'll be doing...

i find it funny how in australia, when you turn sixteen, you're allowed to LEGALLY have sex. no, you're not allowed your P plates, and you're not allowed to drink yet, but you can go have all the sex you want.

that aside, i really don't feel like i'm a year older. it's just another number.

but i'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

so here's to a great year with great people and fantastic grades [haha. wishful thinking on my part here]. i'm now going to set up a bed on the couch outside because my room has not been cleaned for so long, the dust is making my nose run and my eyes water.


Anonymous said...

birfdayy gurll

oooo.. i was there at the convo!!!

lallala. im soo up to date =P

Zeallie said...

HAPPY BDAY JIE! ^^ Luf yaa

Anonymous said...

gurl.. wheres a fresh new blog entry?