Monday, May 07, 2007

i lost my pencil.

i think i left it in Lit.

kim: why are you all wet?
andrew: because i drink water wrongly.

he's in pain, that boy, because
"the dota server has been down for more than a week."
"yes, you heard me right. don't make me say it again. it hurts."

i'm in pain because i've lost my pencil.

i'm on day 3 of the swearing rehabilitation. is it some rule that when you're trying not to swear, and you realize you've just done it, you'll swear again? and again?
"$#!% that hurts. ah, $#!%, i swore. %#!%, did it again."

in trying to get rid of this habit, i've realized just how bad it's gotten. i'm quite amazed at the number of times i have to check myself and replace the word with something more PG-13. aside from that, the punishment that has been imposed every time i swear now holds for two weeks, i'd say.

i lost my pencil.

i feel a need to write. got the feeling during the easter break and maybe with the loss of my pencil, my lack of inspiration at the time has come back to haunt me. or i'm just really deluded.

nicole wrote: does love conquer when you fall?

if it doesn't, it's probably not love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost my favourite orange pencil in lit as well :(. Probably some grubby year 8 picked it up and stole it. When i find that year 8 grrrrr....... suddenly my psychotic conversation about ways to torture people becaome so relevant