Thursday, May 03, 2007


lesson #5887 in battling stupidity
chemistry may be the most boring subject on earth taught by the most boring teacher on earth, but DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SPACE OUT.
because you'll find that when you're cramming the night before for a test on gas preparation [of the non-flatulent kind], that the teacher has actually mentioned that he will only be testing three of them, and has in fact told you which three he will be testing you on.
not only that, you've already attempted to save irrelevant information on your 12Kb brain memory which is just a total waste of time, energy, and school fees.

aaron told me about the bravest and most selfless little guy ever.

a jack russell terrier named George saved five children from being attacked by two pitbulls in new zealand
yesterday. the little dog jumped in to defend the children [aged between 4 and 7] from being mauled by the two rabid pitbulls.

little George tried to protect the kids by "
barking and rushing at them [pitbulls], but they started to bite him - one on the head and the other on the back."

just so you know what it's like.... imagine this...


two of this

George died.

he had to be put down because he was ripped to shreds.

Darryl Wilson, 4, holds a photo of George the Jack Russell, with the dog's owner, Alan Gay, left, and Richard Rosewarne, 11, Christian Rosewarne, 8, and Kelly Rosewarne, 10, in the background. Photo: Nic Gibson/Taranaki Daily News
i really like this photo. and yes, the owner's name is alan gay. get over it.

george is such a brave little dog. i won't call his death a waste, because it wasn't. his life actually meant something. and yes, i am aware it sounds a little stupid to be writing of an animal in this way.

but if only more dogs, more people, would do what he did for those children. no, not get mauled by two apeshit dogs almost frothing at the mouth. you know what i mean. do something that would make your existence worth something in the end. George probably had a far more intrinsic value to his owner in terms of companionship than anyone could know, but it's really this - his saving these children - that will forever endear him in the hearts of people.


Anonymous said...

My Kimmy is growing up! she talks about stuff so deep and meaningful :)

Anonymous said...

poor doggie! wat kinda dog is that anyway? looks like an alligator