Saturday, May 05, 2007

little bells of red

to sharon and william
i told you i'd do it XD

stopped by john's house with mum the other day. just let me say this: their backyard is freaking amazing. EVERYTHING is edible. his mum is freaking amazing. she takes care of it. it's all just freaking amazing. i really should stop saying freaking amazing.

there was basil, chinese vegetables, lemongrass, spring onions and a variety of other vegies and herbs that i can't remember right now. i walked round the back and saw an orange tree. then sam asked "is that an apple tree?" and you know what? it was an apple tree. WITH APPLES. and i'm pretty sure i saw something that looked like yams.

there was a creeping plant there and when she told us what it was, we were all kinda stunn


the woman has dragonfruit in her backyard. you know what else she has growing back there? PASSIONFRUIT.

and she has at least three varieties of chilli.

she's got these normal ones.

and she's got these fat green ones.

then she's got these.and i think they are just so pretty.
they start to look kinda weird if you stare too long though.

if i could paint you red
like the passionate feel
it might not be colourful
but at least it'd be real

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww im mentioned.. pufo..

teeheh. i get a mention in ure blog.. second time!!

psh and NO note how i dunt give u the satisfaction of goin
OI KIM!! pufo
shuai hor?

teehhe.. sometimes im juz toosmart for you xD

byebye kimbarr and go tellmike to unblock me and that hes a sped n im allwoed to lie to himm!!!