Wednesday, May 02, 2007

a few months ago, i had a little chat with jess's brother, james. james is a cute little guy of about... five? six years old? something like that. i was sitting next to him in the car one day and we were having a great conversation.

yes, i had a riveting conversation with a child 10 years younger than me.

he was telling me about his birthday [which is in august. we spoke in march]. he was all excited about it because he was having a party at McDonalds!!

then he said this. i start each sentence on a new line because he pauses between each one and seemingly reflects on what he just said.

"i'm going to invite alllll my friends.
"mostly boys.
"maybe a few girls. i don't know yet.
"but mostly boys.
"i like boys."

it's funny how he says it in all innocence. but to anyone who's lost that little boy outlook on life, it's just wrong. jess has expressed concerns before when she's seen james hugging other little boys, but they're 5 man. it's OKAY when they're little.

probably should try to avoid "guy on guy" action when you're 16 tho. or "guy on guy on guy" action in some cases [it's amazing what an accidental push can result in XD].

james is adorable. but i've seen him on and off for three years now, and he's still the same size. it's... actually quite freaky.


Anonymous said...

woot lets set up a james fan club ill be the president!

kim said...

james fan? sharon fan's brother?


i'm referring to james ling. jessica ling's brother.