Sunday, March 23, 2008

and again

Just a couple of weeks ago, two of my friends were discussing their diets.

It was scary.

"I'm on a milk diet. all I have is milk everyday."

"Really? You can eat, you know. I'll tell you what I do. Eat a little at breakfast, don't eat at lunch. You can eat a little if you want at dinner, but not until you're full. Just eat like, a couple of spoonfuls or something."

"Ugh... too complicated. I'll stick to just the milk."

What. The. Hell.

I cannot understand it. I can't. It just... blows my mind. It's not like they need to do that to themselves. Milk-girl weighs about 45kg and is about my height. Two-Spoonfuls is about 44kg and around 5'5".
What this means: BMI of 18 and 16 respectively (rounded up). Normal BMI for girls our age is 18.5-24.
What THAT means: They are both underweight.

Milk-girl is the friend who weighs herself three times a day.

I hang around with a bunch of generally very skinny people. I have a friend who's so skinny that her head looks too big for her body (yeah, like in cartoons). Out of all the girls I sit with at lunch, I think I'm the heaviest.

Nope, can't think of anyone who might be heavier.

And half of them think they need to lose weight.

I don't get it. I don't know how to tell them they're fine the way they are, and have them believe me.

It makes me sad.


Chengaloony said...

you're normal, and you're getting fat. rofl.

jsncruz said...

You're absolutely fine as it is now Kimbo. Your friends need a slap on the face back to get them back to reality.

I mean, yeah, I'm slightly obsessed with my body now too, but not in that way. Keeping healthy is one thing, killing yourself is another. *sighness*

I'm proud to be 5'5 and 68kg. =)
Not too bad, considering I can still flip myself in the air.