Monday, March 24, 2008

stomach feels funny

Channel Ten was showing a "Famous, Faboulous and Filthy Rich" thing on TV last night. It was one of those Forbes rich list things featuring the top 20 richest TV personalities - or something like that.

Man, those people have so much money it's disgusting.
Think 8-9 figure annual income.

The show also told us what they spend it on. For most of them, it's property or cars. Not just random pieces of land and little metal boxes; mansions and villas and vehicles so rare they're not even allowed to drive them (this is true, i swear).

It pissed me off.

No, I'm not jealous.
Okay, maybe a little bit.

But when you think about it for a while, you realise...
Why do you need so many houses? Why do you need a house with 58 BEDROOMS (just as a side note, by my definition, 58 bedrooms is not a house. It's a hotel).
And SERIOUSLY, how many cars can you drive at any one time? (this car one is a hobby. A very expensive hobby.)

It pisses me off because what these people make in a day is more than what average people make in a year. Or two. Or three.

What they make in a year is enough to feed a small country.

The amount they spend on a new house, that extra car, is enough to give thousands of hungry children not just food, shelter and education, but a chance at a future that doesn't involve death or disease in the next five years.

Yes, I am being unfair, because a lot of these really rich people DO give money to charity. They do think about helping other people. But it just amazes me how some people can have so much when there are others who have so little.

I put myself in their shoes - the rich-ass people, i mean. I tried to, anyway. I can't actually imagine owning that much money. But yeah, I suppose when you've earned all that money, spending on houses and cars becomes a lot less difficult. Conversely, giving your money away is like tearing your scalp off. You just want to hold on to it, sleep with it, bathe in showers of it.

And yeah, by all means, it's your money. DO IT.

But think about those World Vision kids while you do. Okay?


Anonymous said...

Salute, Kim!!

Chengaloony said...

and speaking of shoes... no more shoes for you.

MeL said...

that's just how it is kimmy..the more money u have the harder for you to part with it. =/

...and maybe some heels would be good.

Anonymous said...

the love of money is the root of all evil.

kim said...

wait. who talked about shoes?

jsncruz said...

The love of money is NOT the root of all evil. =)
The irresponsibility and greed that having money produces is probably very evil, though not the root of.

But yeah. These people sicken me.
Especially those kids on My Sweet 16. Goddamn. No wonder the world's going to crap.