Saturday, May 17, 2008

this is what happens to my school fees

This is a classroom conversation in Physics. The class has been told to write up our Lab, which involves a bit of graphing, amongst other things.
Nicole, sitting next to me, is listening to what we say.

The teacher is, by the way, pretty cool. So it was all good.


kim: Mr. L, is there any graph paper in this room?

MrL: *thinks* Well, Kimberley. You see, I have what is called a deficiency complex.

kim: ...O-kay. What's a deficiency complex?

MrL: A deficiency complex means I have a fear of being deficient in something. Which is strange, because we have an abundance of all things in this world, don't we.

kim: Umm... not everything.

MrL: You're right, you're right. What are some of the things where we have a deficiency?

kim: Oh, things like-

MrL: *exclaims* Abalone! (pronounced abaloney)

kim: mmm... Abalone!

Nicole: Aba-what?

kim: Abaloney.

Nicole: Babalooney?

kim: Abalon! (super Asian accent)

Nicole: OHH... abalone! Right.

MrL: What? How did you pronounce that?

kim: Oh, some people say abaloney and others say abalon so I usually just roll with whichever way the other person says it.

MrL: Oh, my wife does that too. It's very interesting. When she's speaking to Italian people, she has an Italian accent. When she speaks to German people, she has a German accent. It's FAScinating *is now lost in his own world and begins to pace away*


MrL: *comes back* Well, the whole point of me telling you about my deficiency complex is that... There is probably some graph paper in that drawer over there, but if I give it to you, then there won't be any more of it, thus we have a deficiency, which I fear.

kim: Well, Mr. L. You see, I have this deficiency complex too. When I'm writing up my labs, I have a fear of writing too much because if I use up all my ink, what's going to happen then? *MrL has previously made comments about the brief-ness of my answers*

MrL: ...I do not encourage that particular deficiency complex of yours. It could be detrimental to your marks...

kim: And I'm not sure that your deficiency complex is particularly conducive to my learning...

MrL: Oh, alright. Let's go see what we have in the drawer.


So I got my graph paper in the end, and so did the rest of the class. Took a while to get it, but mission accomplished.

And later on...

Nicole: Kim... you're so full of shit.


Java Joy said...

ha ha ha!

Chengaloony said...

ho ho ho! i agree with nicole xD

jsncruz said...

It's interesting to see how your teacher managed to talk about something so ridiculously far from graph paper that it's hilarious.

Abalones and graph paper.
What is happening in classrooms now?


Anonymous said...

he's awesome. in digressing and drawing relevance from the most absurd things.

eg, centripetal force and the first washing machine he owned.

good times. :)

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