Monday, January 16, 2006

the bottle analogy

i have decided that today i shall buy the rest of the presents that i need to buy. regardless of how lazy i am and how much i DETEST shopping.

let me make a point here. some people [i.e. most females] actually ENJOY shopping. they will walk around from shop to shop and spend TIME looking at all the merchandise and bargaining and and and SHOPPING. me, on the other hand, if i could, i would go in, buy what i need, and get out quickly. unfortunately, that requires you to have MONEY. enough so that you don't have to spend time shopping around for cheap stuff.

quote of the day:
A: my life is like a water bottle and all the water has been drained out of it.
B: when the water bottle is empty, just fill it up with water again la!
A: yeah, but who's gonna fill it up? i've been empty for so long.
B: the bottle can't be filled if the cap is still on!!!

that was so pro. pat on the back from me.

hmm... one good thing about shopping, though, is that shopping centres have AIR-CONDITIONING. something that is truly beneficial to one's well being on a hot day such as today. i need to eat something. i'm hungry. i finished all my cheezels yesterday, so i think today i'm gonna have to eat shapes or chocolate. mmm...

got barbecue later at ken's house. FREE FOOD!!! and get to hang out with friends and stuff.

rargh. hot. cannot stand.


sarawr said...

excuse me, who came up with that? give credit please.

why are we talking about job options 3 years before uni?! well for smartasses like you you'd probably qualify for med, for the relatively less smart people like me, i'll do the less sought after ones (:

if we go by what-i-am-you-are, you'd do photo-journalism. but i want free medical treatment, so do med. or crack me up with your reports. i dont know. up to you.

sarawr said...

haha i came across this: