Wednesday, January 18, 2006


i went to watch king kong with sam and richard last night. long long LOOOOOOONG movie. but the action bits were BLOODY COOL.

those of you who told me the movie was really awesome and only-stupid-people-think-it's-crap, suck on your words man. the movie was good but i wouldn't call it awesome. awesome can be used to describe the action, but not the movie as a whole. in rick's words "it could have been slightly more dramatic". hmm.. i reckon it was the action that carried the movie through [this is proven through the characters' limited dialogue] because really, you wanna watch king kong cause you wanna see him rip the dinosaurs to bite sized pieces.

kim: i think at one point, i started clapping. the part where he [kong] was mashing the dinosaurs with the rocks.
rick: no, it was the part where he was tearing the skull of the t-rex apart with his bare hands.

there's one bit where the vegetarian dinosaurs with long necks are being chased by little raptors, and they're all thundering through the jungle. suddenly, one falls, and then another, and they all start rolling down the slope. i'm like damn, they're stupid. rick's like no wonder they got extinct.

wanna know the most shocking part of the movie to me? i didn't blink when kong fought the t-rexes, yawned a bit when naomi watts was being chased around, but i let out an AUDIBLE GASP when kong grabbed a human and bit his head off. ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE GENTLE? ok, maybe not, as the dinosaurs will tell you.

most disturbing part was the guy being devoured alive by the giant mutant leeches. you could actally hear him screaming as his face disappeared into the pink gullet of the creature while his limbs disappeared into the pick gullets of MORE GIANT MUTANT LEECHES.

the cinematography was good though. you know, one of my favourite parts was when kong sat down on top of the building with naomi watts to watch the sunset. no, not because it was touching and moving and not because he understood what 'beautiful' meant. it was cause of the AMAZING SCENERY AROUND THEM. seriously, ok, even before they sat down, there was a 2 second glimpse of the city of new york below them and the fiery sky above the horizon. and immediately i was hooked. YOU KNOW WHAT GREAT PHOTO POSSIBILITIES THERE WERE?

another really good part was when the sun was rising in the forest and shafts of light broke through the lush greenery and illuminated the stunted growth below. i bet you anything it was computer generated. why is it that normal people never get to witness moments like those and yet they appear in movie after movie after movie? it's cause they have this useful and moderately recent development called CGI.

king kong is my kind of monkey. he's got EGO. did you notice after he beat the dinosaurs into piles of crud, he stood up on his hind legs and went "ROARGH!!!" while thumping his chest? he's going who da man? who da MAN? WHO DA MAAAAAN?!?!?!

stop cringing, people.

planet shakers tonight. can't wait. don't expect me to have a voice tomorrow.

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