Sunday, January 08, 2006

polar ends

photo by Norbert Rosing; taken in Arctic, Canada.

i found this picture on national geographic. oh man... how cute is that little ball of fur covered flab? i mean, LOOK AT IT.. sooooo endearing!!! the mother doesn't look to happy with it though.. the little guy probably discovered the use of his NAILS. i can just hear the mother going "why was i blessed with an idiot kid whose butt finds it hard to resist the pull of gravity?"

damn cute, but.

1 comment:

sarawr said...

wow that pic is pro. i took some pro shots today (my bro and cousin were impressed, i know i know) but that pic is GOOD. i wanna go to antarctica/artic. you shld come along, when we've saved up for our cameras.

once again the pic is great. cept for the commentary, which kinda killed everything.

oh well. seeya in 2 days ++ where emails will cease XD so we think.