Friday, November 25, 2005

i have to share

wednesday and thursday we had this science fair thing conducted by some year nine and ten students for the little year sixes... it went quite well and the best part was getting to miss class..

anyway, my group did a hydrogen and helium demo, involving poking balloons filled with hydrogen.. just so you know, test tubes of hydrogen pop when exposed to flame.. balloons explode.. everytime you poke it with fire, it bursts into this ball of flame with a "BANG".. needless to say, i loved it..

so at one point, i stole away to eat my lunch and this little midget kid looks at me and starts talking to me..
kid: can i have a sandwich?
me: i don't have one *tries to conceal my lunch*
kid: you do. you're holding it.
me: well, you don't want it. it's an avocado and lettuce sandwich.
kid: EWW!! *turns to his midget friends* she's eating a lettuce and avocado sandwich!!
all kids: EWW!!
and you know the worst part? i really was eating a lettuce and avocado sandwich.. my mum loves me so much..

and then...
kid: who's ms cheong?
me: oh, this teacher
kid: is she gay?
me: what?
kid: *points to graffiti on wall* it says so right there.
me: *reads the graffiti [shall not elaborate on this] moves to stand in front of it in an attempt to block it with her sizeable torso* oh, she's actually the gardener's pet dog.. forget what you just read.
kid: haha.. ms cheong is gay
and so on and so forth.. was i like that when i was 11?

usually when we're explaining, no one asks questions. there was one kid who broke the rules.. he raised his hand and i was so surprised i pointed at him and went "what?". he kind of started, but asked his question anyway.. what impudence! i referred him on to my colleague who happened to be better equiped at answering his query.

ben lent me his pda to listen to better days.. and i was listening while the others were talking.. then i accidentally pulled the earphones out and pete murray's voice filled the air going "put my face in my hands".. everyone turned around.. i totally suck..

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