Thursday, November 10, 2005

laundry frenzy

what is wrong with me?

rhetorical question. no one go answer it, now.. i don't really wanna know.

ok, jane's been cleaning up her house cause andrew's coming down here to study next year. [i know, she's so 'motherly'].. so today she was cleaning up andy's room-to-be [he's gonna kill me for calling him andy, but he can't talk.. he calls me "kimmers"].. anyway, 'cleaning' is a pretty loose way of defining what she's doing.. there would be no need to 'clean' if the bedroom wasn't being used as a laundry/storeroom yadda yadda bla bla.. it even smells of laundry powder!!!

yeah, the point is, the centrepiece of the room was a laundry basket comprised entirely of rick's laundry.. seriously, just this massive chunk of washed and dried clothing - unfolded, of course.. in that house, folding laundry is an event that happens everytime the sun explodes.. work out how often that is yourself..

i have no idea what i was thinking at the time.. but i sat down on the laundry/paper littered bed frame [don't ask me what happened to the mattress] and I STARTED FOLDING RICHARD'S CLOTHES!!! btw, just to avoid and unsavoury thoughts, this richard is not the retard who broke his arm punching someone..

now, this is not the first time i've done the folding for them, in fact, i've become familiar with lots of their clothes [i know, i'm such a great cousin *cough*cough*] but you really don't understand.. there is no way to imagine the amount of clothing rick has.. hell, he's got three times more clothes than i have.. he can't fit them all in his wardrobe. granted, his closet is pretty small, but the rest of his clothes are in a huge container on the ground, as well as the hooks on the door, a couple of extra racks, and... pretty much the rest of the house.

so i just stood there folding. and folding. and folding. then i came across some 'miscellaneous' items of clothing.. miscellaneous means anything that isn't a shirt, trousers, shorts, socks, or hats... if you know what i mean.. jane was like "they're clean............. one would hope"... sigh~ moving on.

by the time i was done with it all, i had a stack of shirts a foot high, a stack of pants/shorts that made up another foot, and half a foot of 'miscellaneous' items.. that's two-and-a-half feet of rick-laundry.. damn.. even jane admitted that i did it in record time..

then came the problem... where the hell does he have space for all the laundry that i've folded???

i swear, if it gets messed up, i will never fold for them again..

1 comment:

sarawr said...

talk about being motherly.. you really know how to cite jane's example. hm..learning how to be a good wife in future? XDD