Saturday, November 12, 2005

the wonders of blogging

never thought blogging could be so good for me.. started out as something to do when i'm really bored.. soon morphed into a distracting, if rather ineffective, form of therapy.. now, it's become an excuse for not doing homework... isn't that just lovely?

i've just been around looking at the blogs of my fellow peers, and i have come away with a whole new store of knowledge..
first, i went to look at me and sarah's team blog. that was extremely edifying...
then i went to look at andy's blog, which btw, is really worth your time.. it never ceases to make me laugh.
i left a comment at amy's blog, which by itself, has taught me an entirely new language.. in sarah's words "i'm embarrassed that i actually understand what she's talking about". funny though, some of the stuff she says. except the bits where she makes fun of my bodily functions.
checked out barbara's blog too - it had lyrics to a song that i was listening to this morning, coincidence?

had a look at matt's blog too. lots of bible verses XD.. thanks for commenting on my swearing..
looked at veron's blog.. lotsa words...
forgot to visit a few other people, but they can wait..

there were also a number of people who hadn't updated their blogs in about 6 months... sigh~ can't they see that i need the entertainment??

i came to conclude that you can almost totally tell what a person is like from reading their blog.. unless they're a serial liar.. [as i told sarah, it's a chronic disease i suffer from that can only be cured by eating six raw eggs with dogfood].. so if my deluded reasonings are correct, the person who owns this blog is a highly disturbed individual who has the apetite of six lions and the brains of a goldfish.

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