Monday, December 19, 2005


i feel i need to defend the MC here.

yeah, jon, audrey was the one the MC 'crapped all over'. but he meant goosebumps as in she sang it so well it gave us all goosebumps. he wouldn't openly insult people on stage, i hope.

incidentally, that MC is also my cousin.

hmm.. it's not the first time we've heard her sing that song so we all knew what to expect. we always know what to expect when she sings. you should have heard it, sarah. it was probably the only performance where we sat absolutely still the whole time. XD. we cheered lots too.

we were trying to figure out what you guys' church was called, since it obviously wasn't called 'willeton' anymore. we decided on Grace *woohoo*. for a moment i had a brain freeze and couldn't remember what my church was called. i reasoned that since you guys were called Grace, we must be something like Mercy of Glory or Love. =.= then i remembered we're called Immanuel. even better!!!

that slap from amy really caught me by surprise. thanks everyone, for laughing.

it was good seeing you guys, though. but i'll stick with calling leon guitar-guy-with-long-hair from now on.

p.s. i still can't get on jon's blog.

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