Saturday, December 17, 2005

pick your own title

got back from combined church christmas service about half an hour ago. it was good. nearly didn't make it though.

flashback to sunday. esther tells me to ask richard to take me and sam to the service. i forget. flashback to yesterday. jess reminds me about it, but don't wanna bother richard. flashback to 5.40 pm today. richard calls and tells us he'll be picking us up at 6.15. i have 35 minutes to shower and eat dinner. and collect the laundry. miraculously, i get it all done. and he shows up half an hour late then gets us all lost. we get there just in the nick of time... good thing too. cause he was the MC =.=

the combined choir was massive, and actually sounded pretty good. the other choirs were good too. but audrey. audrey. words cannot describe it. O Holy Night. second time i've heard her sing it, and let me tell you, it was bloody awesome. she's so gooooood. sigh. the starlight dance was interesting. XD. i like the choir that sang.. uhm.. what was the name of that song? well, i know i like one of the other choirs. only they sang it a bit soft. and i was sitting at the back. the message was alright. i am ashamed to admit though, that i only listened to part of it.

i predicted that the fellowship at the end would last longer than any other item in the service. i was right. we left nearly ten. and everyone wanted to go over to ching's place after, but we gave it a miss. oh.. i saw amy there. well, she saw me first.

i heard someone calling my name i turn and suddenly all i can see is this white shirt and i feel someone hugging me and standing on my foot at the same time. forgive me for not saying hi. i was more preoccupied going "OWW!!! my foot! MY FOOT!!! you're standing on MY FOOT!!!" she had really hard-bottomed converses and i had a cheap pair of slippers.

oh, saw jon there as well. haven't seen him in a while. forgot to say hi. but he took a couple of pictures cause sarah requested them. unfortunately, i had my mouth full all the time. the container of cake was full to the brim, ok? i'm just trying to support whoever brought the cake by helping them consume it. i'm doing them a favour. i mean, i dont want them to have to eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow just to finish it off.

saw a couple of girls that amy knows from school as well. i only recognize them because amy is constantly calling out to them in the halls. oh, and i saw guitar-guy-with-long-ish-black-hair as well. he didn't remember me, but no worries. cause i'm not too sure about his name either. sarah told me once, cause i spelt it wrong. uhm. lyon. leon? lion? leone? lyonne? how the hell do you spell it? i told sarah i have a cousin called lyon/leon/lion. he's really cute. she goes "hah? guitar lyon/leon/lion is cute?" what does she think about all day? anyway, i remember that he kicks-ass with his guitar. that's better than the name, right?

i saw karen too. this girl i worked with. she didn't recognize me without my hair tied up and without the work shirt. she played cello for the "we were the reason" choir. she's good.

amy smacked me. hard. thanks for that, jon. dont think i dont know you put her up to it. but i guess the real culprit is... SARAHANNLEE. <---- that looks weird.

1 comment:

sarawr said...

you really dont know how innocent i am do you. oh well. i'm used to being maligned (esp by the likes of YOU) and well, da ren bu ji xiao ren guo (you still havent gotten it after hearing it all year, i know XDD)

hey you, what did i say about not getting fat? (one get fat, all get fat??) esp since i've been loaded with junk food just about everyday..rargh) ho well. XD

guess i shld read your email now..see what nonsense you're gonna pelt on me...